Whether you own a canal boat or you have use of one for just a short time – a canal boat holiday, for example, sooner or later you will have to think about where and how you intend to moor your vessel.
The same advice and rules apply to you whether you own your canal boat or you are on a canal boat holiday:
While mooring your canal boat on the towpath can be convenient and cheap, mooring in a marina can provide more benefits and, in the long-run be a much better option.
Mooring your canal boat in a marina (such as Willowtree Marina) offers a number of benefits, including:
Willowtree Marina (2022)
Willowtree Marina and Lock & Quay Restaurant (2022)
Most marinas and moorings for canal boats are provided by private companies, so facilities and the quality of service may vary widely. You may also consider joining a boat club, this has the added advantage of not only providing a mooring for your vessel but also giving you a sense of community and plenty of advice and support (especially if you are new to the world of canal boats).
As well as finding a range of services and quality at marinas, you will also find a wide range of costs, usually directly related to the quality and range of facilities, but also the location of the marina – a marina close to a number of waterways – rivers and canals – will be more expensive because of the convenience it offers. When thinking about location, also think about which part of the country you would most like to be when on your canal boat? How easy is it to get to the marina and do they have good transport links or parking facilities?
The key to finding the right marina for you and your craft is to think about your priorities. Ask yourself the following questions. Is it more important to have good facilities, or be close to different waterways for you to explore, or do you want to keep the cost of mooring your canal boat as low as possible? Is the security of your canal boat a primary concern or easy access to maintenance services? How often will you want to use your canal boat? By getting your priorities in the right order, you will find a mooring or marina that is perfect for you.
If you want further information about mooring your canal boat generally, or mooring your canal boat at Willowtree Marina particularly, then do not hesitate to contact our friendly team on 020 8841 6585 or email contact@willowtree-marina.co.uk.
To find out more about canal or river mooring go to the Inland Waterways website here.